• Organization of scientific and engineering events - congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, round tables, discussions, exhibitions, consulting and more;
  • Preparation of position papers and expert participation in the development of projects of laws, rules, regulations, programs and more. legal documents related to the development of science, engineering and technology;
  • Regulatory, organizational and methodical provision and training activity;
  • Development of scientific and engineering information system and promotion of scientific and technological achievements;
  • Researching, developing and solving specific problems related to the development of specific industries, regions and activities supporting the small and medium business and the implementation of modern technologies and know-how;
  • Making the mutually beneficial cooperation with similar organizations at home and abroad;
  • Conducting competitions and stimulating creativity professionals and above all young people;
  • Organizing visits to fairs and technical projects, maintenance of information - videos and library centers and scientific and technical films;
  • Specialized Publishing
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